Tuesday 8 August 2017

Narrative writing.

I walked into the dark, gloomy, damp cave. Everything was silent apart from the slow drip of water above my head. Suddenly the silence was shattered by a loud shriek! What was that? I ran out as fast as I could only to hear a little voice say “where are you going?” I was so frightened but suddenly a little bat bursted out of nowhere and said “follow me”. So I followed it further through the distance. Just then I saw a big sign which said, “Welcome to the land where all your wishes come true.”

It was an an amazing place, you could have anything you could ever dream of! Lollies, ice creams, fun games and so much more! The bat showed me around places first he took me to the chocolate clouds and then bubble gum palace. The bat said to me “I think it’s time for you to go now.” I replied “I really don't want to go but I think I’m gonna have too goodbye Mr Bat.”

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