Sunday 13 August 2017

Kakapo Learning

Image result for digital footprint
Today in Kakapo Class, we have been learning about Digital Citizenship and about staying safe on the internet . Did you know that everyone can see your post's. Everyone can see what you have searched up online and everyone can see you're history. It leave's a digital footprint on your admins device of what you have searched, even if it is to do with our learning or inappropriate sites. A digital footprint is something you search it leaves a mark and stays on your digital history.


Hi! I am looking forward to reading your quality comment!
Try and follow these steps when commenting please:

1. Introduce yourself
2. Tell me a joke, something funny to engage me.
3. Make your comment meaningful, useful, inspirational.
4. Be kind
5. Leave your blog address so I can give you some feedback or make some new connections too!