Tuesday 8 August 2017

7 Hours of Travel

As I boarded this enormous plane, I was feeling nervous and anxious. I was finding my seat and when I was seated the flight attendant gave me some delicious lollies.  When we took off I saw so many amazing things like frosty Taranaki, snowy maunga Ruapehu and Palmerston WindMills.  The flight attendant was so kind, she gave me a tiny cookie time cookie which was sooo delicious! It felt like a big adventure!

I didn’t realise how bumpy the ride really was. I was playing Pou on my device for the whole time! But suddenly the flight attendant caught my attention when she said “Prepare for landing!” I stayed seated and belted until we landed safely. We landed at Aucklands humungous Airport! It was so exciting seeing so many amazing things!

1 comment:

  1. Cadies i love your blogs there so amazing


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