Wednesday 9 August 2017

Summer Life

Fun Beach day out

One beautiful Friday afternoon my friend Peri-Leigh and I

went to 90 Mile Beach. First we jumped out onto the Burning hot sand! Then we ran straight into the icy cold water, and it felt so good! We dove in after a while and then we got saturated! Then we had a really really long swim but after a few hours it got a bit cold. So we decided to jump out and walk back up to the truck. But when we got to the truck Peri-Leigh's uncle said “Girls if you can fill up this bag with pipes I will pay you both $5”. We agreed and walked back down and it took about an hour to fill the whole bag up. We walked back to the truck got the money. Then  around half an hour after we left the beach and went back home. When we got home, we walked to the shop, bought some lollies walked home. We instantly ate them. After a bit it started getting late . So we played on our devices while eating dinner, it was actually a really nice dinner. But we couldn’t eat it all, we have eaten to much lollies and it filled me up. We done our chores and jumped in bed and played on our devices but then I randomly closed my eyes and went to sleep…. It was a good time at my friends.


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