Wednesday 9 August 2017

Letter In a Bottle

I don't wanna!

He looked back at the horrific scene behind him, how could it of come to this?! She was so beautiful yesterday she had the most dreamy and beautiful eyes and hair any woman would love to have! But all of that had changed since yesterday! The young handsome man thought “Has she been cursed?” She has a disgusting monobrow and gigantic lips as fat as Kylie Jenners! He does not want to get married to this disgusting fat woman! He had no way out but then he thought of one way that would cost him his life! He found a somewhat bottle buried under a tree and then found a bit of ink and paper and started  printing in his fast scribbly   old writing...Please help me I have made a big mistake I never wanted it to come like this she might use me as a slave or try kill me! So if anyone’s out there please help me (Preferably retired pirates from the caribbean with Johnny Depp)”  The young  man stuck the letter into the very loose see through glass bottle and tossed it into the sea praying someone would find it and save him from this horrific nightmare! The young man started sprinting around the tree and his wife was screaming “Come back honey we need to get married right now!!!!!” “ I don't want to marry you it’s that simple! No no no no no i’m not marrying some beast like you, you are so disgusting you're like Fiona off Shrek! “How dare you I thought you loved me” “I used to love you but now I don't wanna marry a hideous woman like you!” “Oh no you don't !” said the hideous beast! She chased him and chased him and chased him until she held him in his arms..Oh no he thought...But suddenly he heard a voice getting closer from behind his goose bumpy back…”Argh matey! Let the young man go before I come down and teach you a well needed lesson!” The hideous woman let the young man go she didn't want to be taught a lesson without knowing what is was about..The young man thanked the pirate and they both sailed off to the seven sea’s at once! Image result for message in a bottleThey lived happily ever after without the hideous beast….The End


  1. I really love this story Caidies very interesting

  2. Thanks alot. Youre a true Maori ;)

  3. Thanks alot. Youre a true Maori ;)


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