Tuesday 22 August 2017

Enviromental Issues

This week in Kakapo we have been learning about environmental issues across the world. I have been doing some research in the library and on the internet. This is what I have found and put into my own words. 

There are many environmental issues such as pollution, cutting of trees and mining but the most destructive issue is humans. Humans and our actions are poorly recognized nation-wide, our actions are majorly responsible for all types of environmental issues such as pollution. For example water pollution is caused by oil spills and ocean dumping. Air pollution rises from burning fossil fuels and gases from all types of vehicles. Majorly recognised problems were waste of energy production, acid rain, power waste  and unforeseen accidents. But how are you helping our world?

Sunday 13 August 2017

Kakapo Learning

Image result for digital footprint
Today in Kakapo Class, we have been learning about Digital Citizenship and about staying safe on the internet . Did you know that everyone can see your post's. Everyone can see what you have searched up online and everyone can see you're history. It leave's a digital footprint on your admins device of what you have searched, even if it is to do with our learning or inappropriate sites. A digital footprint is something you search it leaves a mark and stays on your digital history.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Letter In a Bottle

I don't wanna!

He looked back at the horrific scene behind him, how could it of come to this?! She was so beautiful yesterday she had the most dreamy and beautiful eyes and hair any woman would love to have! But all of that had changed since yesterday! The young handsome man thought “Has she been cursed?” She has a disgusting monobrow and gigantic lips as fat as Kylie Jenners! He does not want to get married to this disgusting fat woman! He had no way out but then he thought of one way that would cost him his life! He found a somewhat bottle buried under a tree and then found a bit of ink and paper and started  printing in his fast scribbly   old writing...Please help me I have made a big mistake I never wanted it to come like this she might use me as a slave or try kill me! So if anyone’s out there please help me (Preferably retired pirates from the caribbean with Johnny Depp)”  The young  man stuck the letter into the very loose see through glass bottle and tossed it into the sea praying someone would find it and save him from this horrific nightmare! The young man started sprinting around the tree and his wife was screaming “Come back honey we need to get married right now!!!!!” “ I don't want to marry you it’s that simple! No no no no no i’m not marrying some beast like you, you are so disgusting you're like Fiona off Shrek! “How dare you I thought you loved me” “I used to love you but now I don't wanna marry a hideous woman like you!” “Oh no you don't !” said the hideous beast! She chased him and chased him and chased him until she held him in his arms..Oh no he thought...But suddenly he heard a voice getting closer from behind his goose bumpy back…”Argh matey! Let the young man go before I come down and teach you a well needed lesson!” The hideous woman let the young man go she didn't want to be taught a lesson without knowing what is was about..The young man thanked the pirate and they both sailed off to the seven sea’s at once! Image result for message in a bottleThey lived happily ever after without the hideous beast….The End

Summer Life

Fun Beach day out

One beautiful Friday afternoon my friend Peri-Leigh and I

went to 90 Mile Beach. First we jumped out onto the Burning hot sand! Then we ran straight into the icy cold water, and it felt so good! We dove in after a while and then we got saturated! Then we had a really really long swim but after a few hours it got a bit cold. So we decided to jump out and walk back up to the truck. But when we got to the truck Peri-Leigh's uncle said “Girls if you can fill up this bag with pipes I will pay you both $5”. We agreed and walked back down and it took about an hour to fill the whole bag up. We walked back to the truck got the money. Then  around half an hour after we left the beach and went back home. When we got home, we walked to the shop, bought some lollies walked home. We instantly ate them. After a bit it started getting late . So we played on our devices while eating dinner, it was actually a really nice dinner. But we couldn’t eat it all, we have eaten to much lollies and it filled me up. We done our chores and jumped in bed and played on our devices but then I randomly closed my eyes and went to sleep…. It was a good time at my friends.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Matariki Diamanate.

  Bright and shiny
Stars,constellation,Maori Gods
Circling and Watching, Gazing
Mataariki, Beautiful


The person I admire in 5 sentences.

The person I admire

The person I admire is my cousin Jahkeisha because she is caring and kind to all of her surroundings. I also look up to her because  she is so encouraging to everybody especially when they’re are challenging things I can’t do. She always puts others before herself no matter what situation they’re in. Another thing is that when I’m having trouble with my homework she seems to make everything sound so simple. Last, but not least she always stands up for what’s right no matter what other’s think, and this is why I admire Jahkeisha.

5 simile poem.

We work to make good grades,
We work as hard as marching ants
We study hard,
We are as smart as owls
We have fun all day
We play around like babies
We like to make others laugh
We are like funny clowns
We listen to our teacher

School.pngWe listen like nosy bunnies

Narrative writing.

I walked into the dark, gloomy, damp cave. Everything was silent apart from the slow drip of water above my head. Suddenly the silence was shattered by a loud shriek! What was that? I ran out as fast as I could only to hear a little voice say “where are you going?” I was so frightened but suddenly a little bat bursted out of nowhere and said “follow me”. So I followed it further through the distance. Just then I saw a big sign which said, “Welcome to the land where all your wishes come true.”

It was an an amazing place, you could have anything you could ever dream of! Lollies, ice creams, fun games and so much more! The bat showed me around places first he took me to the chocolate clouds and then bubble gum palace. The bat said to me “I think it’s time for you to go now.” I replied “I really don't want to go but I think I’m gonna have too goodbye Mr Bat.”

Welcome to my blog.

Hello, my name is Mercadies and I go to Pompallier School. I am a year seven and I am in Kakapo Class. I like learning new things and hanging out with my friends . I have a lot of friends and have lots of fun and laughs with them all.  My favorite games are tag and dodge ball. 

7 Hours of Travel

As I boarded this enormous plane, I was feeling nervous and anxious. I was finding my seat and when I was seated the flight attendant gave me some delicious lollies.  When we took off I saw so many amazing things like frosty Taranaki, snowy maunga Ruapehu and Palmerston WindMills.  The flight attendant was so kind, she gave me a tiny cookie time cookie which was sooo delicious! It felt like a big adventure!

I didn’t realise how bumpy the ride really was. I was playing Pou on my device for the whole time! But suddenly the flight attendant caught my attention when she said “Prepare for landing!” I stayed seated and belted until we landed safely. We landed at Aucklands humungous Airport! It was so exciting seeing so many amazing things!